Becoming Catholic / Confirmation

O. C. I. A., Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the process by which individuals are welcomed into the Catholic Church.  The process is a journey of faith which allows you to explore the Catholic Church, go deeper into understanding yourself and God, and be formed in faith by reflecting on God’s Word, and the Catholic community’s life, liturgy, and beliefs.  This formation process culminates in full membership in the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. There are generally three categories of people who participate in the RCIA process:

  • Those who have never been baptized
  • Those who have been baptized in a Protestant Church (example: Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, etc.)
  • Those who have been baptized in the Catholic Church but never received Holy Eucharist and/or Confirmation.

The RCIA process at RIT begins at the end of September.  If you want to learn more about the Catholic Church, the RCIA process, or becoming Catholic, please email to ask any questions!