Student Welcome Letter

Dear friends,

Welcome to the Rochester Institute of Technology! On behalf of the Executive Board of the Catholic Newman Community, I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to all of you. Congratulations on embarking on this exciting new chapter of your life!

As you step into this promising phase of life, I am extending a personal invitation to join the Catholic Newman Community and partake in our Fall Semester events. Newman serves as a home away from home full of faith, tradition, and personal growth. Our community stands committed to providing a supportive haven where you can explore your beliefs, forge profound connections, and engage in intellectually stimulating discussions.

During Welcome Week, we have curated a selection of fun events for you, including our annual Jenga Jam and some casual lawn games. These gatherings present exceptional opportunities to meet fellow first-years, indulge in friendly competition, and immerse yourselves in the warm embrace of our Newman Community.

In the midst of the hectic college life, we understand the importance of balancing your student life, personal life, and spiritual life. I hope that you will join us for our series of Newman events, such as weekly Sunday Mass and coffee hour on the River Level of the Interfaith Chapel

I implore you not to overlook my personal favorite, Newman Nite! A cherished tradition of gathering every week to enjoy a home-cooked meal. Beyond the mundane dining hall offerings, it is an exceptional opportunity to unwind, enjoy some comfort food, and foster lasting bonds with fellow students. Newman Nite encapsulates the very essence of our community, providing an environment of support, camaraderie, and profound understanding.

As you embrace the challenges and boundless opportunities that await you, rest assured that the Catholic Newman Community is firmly rooted in its commitment to supporting you throughout your journey at the U of R. Whether you seek spiritual guidance, genuine friendships, or a comforting sense of belonging, Newman offers a nurturing and enriching environment tailored to the needs of every student.

I am genuinely excited to meet each one of you this semester, and I eagerly anticipate welcoming you to the Rochester Institute of Technology and the Catholic Newman Community. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach me via email () or on Instagram (@ameliaswan_).